Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Four 10 pound bags of potatoes + 2

So, this morning my scale read 194 -- that's a total of 42# lost! To put it in perspective, that's more than 4 ten pound bags of potatoes. I challenge you to pick 4 of those up next time you're at the grocery store and carry them around. That's what I was doing. When you're heavy, it's hard to move. "Fat" people are not lazy in perspective. They have to work a lot harder than "skinny" people to accomplish the same goal. If you don't believe it, try your whole shopping trip hauling those 4 ten-pound bags of potatoes. I feel sure it will give you a new perspective and hopefully you may not be quite so critical of others who perhaps aren't where "you" are. I am thrilled to be rid of those 4 ten-pound bags. I'm hoping I can get rid of 6 more bags of potatoes. One potato, two potato, three potato. . . .one day at a time. . . .

Roasted butternut squash

Tonight's recipe is something I just whipped up. I had half a butternut squash I needed to use. I peeled it, cubed it, put it in a zipper bag with olive oil and coated it really well, then dumped it into a baking pan. I sprinkled salt, coarse ground black pepper, thyme,a light sprinkle of cayenne and 1 sprig of fresh rosemary chopped finely. I cooked it for 20 minutes or so, until it was toasty and brown. It was really quite delicious. I'm liking butternut squash more every day! Yum! Enjoy!

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