Thursday, June 16, 2011

Revisiting the Journey

Wow! I just reread all my posts. It's been a really long time since I posted -- it was a wild and crazy school year, but it's over, so I'm hoping I can get back to some regular posts. The very cool thing is that I've come a long way since my last post. . . I hit my 60 lb. mark last week!!!!!!!!!! Yes, 60 lbs. It's fluctuated this week back up a bit, as there have been lots of eating out and a few cheats along the way, but the pool is going, and I'm hoping to get back on the exercise bandwagon. The school year brought myriad challenges -- exercise being the most difficult, with my schedule so very busy. I find myself not quite as vigilant as I once was, and portion sizes have crept up. Therefore, my loss has slowed considerably. . .only maybe 1-3 lbs a month, with some months seeing no movement whatsoever. My plan is to get back on my plan for the summer. . . .Yet and still, I find myself down to 176 - 179 lbs right now. -- 58-60 lbs less than last April. . . .

I've moved from a size 18-22 (depending on how it was made) to a 14-16 (and many of the 16s are too large now). Some shirts I'm even wearing a medium (that from a 2X . . ) . Wow! It has been quite a journey, and it is far from over! I still have another 40-50 lbs to go. I had a goal set for my anniversary, coming up mid-July, but at thing point I will almost certainly not make it, so I have revised it in hopes to be down to 170 by then -- lofty, but reachable. Currently, I weigh less than I did when Shane and I met.

I've learned much along the way, and still have much to learn. God has blessed my endeavors, and my prayer is that He will continue to help me be the best me I can. . . .

Tonight's "recipe" is more of a strategy. If you struggle, as I once did, to get enough water, here are some tips for you -- "mix-ins" if you will. Check these out and enjoy refreshment on another level:

Flavored Waters

Fruit Flavors:
Cut up strawberries, orange slices, lemon or lime slices, crushed cranberries, etc. or some combination thereof into a glass or pitcher of water. Add ice, if desired, and enjoy.

Vegetable Flavors:
Cut up cucumbers, celery sticks, or other flavorful raw veggie into a glass or pitcher of water with ice.

Herb Flavors:
Wash bunches of spearmint, peppermint, chocolate mint, pineapple sage, lemon verbena, rosemary, etc.

For really snazzy flavor, mix it up -- do citrus water with lemons, limes and oranges; cucumber and spearmint; oranges and cranberries. Be creative and try interesting combinations. Shane and I really like orange and spearmint together. It's a much more fun and interesting way to drink water!

Other tips for getting enough water:
~Experts recommend 1/2 as many oz. as your weight. Figure your total oz. needed, and measure it out into personal cups or bottles for the day and you'll know when you've had your quota.
~Put a rubber band on your wrist for every 8 oz (or 16) to help you keep a tally of oz drunk.
~Put a bottle of water by your bed and drink it first thing in the morning to jumpstart your daily intake.
~Order water when you go out to eat -- it will save your wallet and increase your water intake.
~Set a timer throughout the day and drink a bottle or glass of water each time the timer goes off.


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